本篇内容主要讲解“Oracle19c rman使用简单测试分析”,感兴趣的朋友不妨来看看。本文介绍的方法操作简单快捷,实用性强。下面就让小编来带大家学习“Oracle19c rman使用简单测试分析”吧!PDB 支持 资料库自动删除闪回日志复制一个pdb到另一个存在的cdb中复制数据库到Oracle云前滚物理备库,简化使用RMAN备份可以用迁移,pdb、cdb切换块丢失写保护增强
DB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT, SECTION SIZE, and USING COMPRESSED BACKUPSETThe following clauses of the DUPLICATE command are not supported: SPFILE, NO
STANDBY, FARSYNC STANDBY, and LOG_FILE_NAME_CONVERT.Duplicating a PDB to a CDB that is a standby database is not supportedOnly one PDB can be duplicated at a time.Partial PDB duplication 免费主机域名is not supported, only complete PDB duplication is
supported. For example, you cannot include or exclude specific tablespaces while
duplicating a PDBDuplicating a non-CDB as a PDB in an existing CDB is not supported.Duplicating PDBs that contain TDE-encrypted tablespaces is not supported.
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