1.排序和比较操作 : Sort order in queries using ORDER BY or the standard comparison operators on textual data
2.内置函数 : The upper, lower, and initcap functions
3.模式匹配 : Pattern matching operators (LIKE, SIMILAR TO, and POSIX-style regular expressions); locales affect both case insensi免费主机域名tive matching and the classification of characters by character-class regular expressions
4.to_char相关函数 : The to_char family of functions
5.LIKE能否使用索引 : The ability to use indexes with LIKE clauses排序
同样的数据,使用不同的LC_COLLATE,SQL输出不同:collate指定为”C”,则使用默认的字符串的二进制ASCII码值进行对比,而指定是zh_CN则不是.使用zh_CN其行为按不区分大小写进行处理邮件列表中的解释如下:The behavior of each collation comes from the operating system’s own
libc, except for the C collation, which is based on the ordering
implied by strcmp() comparisons. Generally, most implementations have
the behavior you describe, in that they assign least weight of all to
caseness and whitespace, and somewhat more weight to punctuation. I
don’t think that there is much that can be done about it in practice,
though in principal there could be a collation that has all the
properties you want.内置函数
相关推荐: PostgreSQL隐式类型转换中使用哪些操作符实现函数